
Explore and register for our experiential professional development institutes, engaging webinars, and live interviews with industry experts

February 25, 2025 | 12:00 pm

Join ATE Central and the EARTh Center for an engaging ATE Office Hours session where we explore the transformative potential of AI in conducting Job Task Analysis (JTA). This live demonstration will showcase how AI tools streamline and enhance the JTA process, enabling educators and industry professionals to identify key job roles, skills, and competencies with greater efficiency and precision.

February 26, 2025 | 12:00 pm

The first webinar in the EARTh Center "Educational Resource Spotlight" series is highlighting the Collection of climate literacy tools and resources that the Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN) hosts and how educators can utilize these tools in their classroom.

June 08, 2025 | 11:00 pm
Beaver Island, Michigan
Professional Development

We are excited to hold the next EARTh Center Institute at Beaver Island, Michigan in June 2025! The Institute will be hosted at the Central Michigan University Biological Station on the island, and will focus on climate change in the region and beyond, cultural impacts and perspectives from indigenous leaders, hands-on activities, assisting with undergraduate research opportunities happening on the island and more!

Institute participants will receive:

June 22, 2025 | 11:00 pm
Multiple Locations
Professional Development

The EARTh Center Colorado River Fellows Program invites environmental educators to embark on a transformative, three-part professional development experience exploring one of North America’s most vital and dynamic waterways. From its headwaters in Northern Colorado to its delta in Southern California, the Colorado River supports diverse ecosystems, critical industries, and vast communities across its 1,450-mile journey.