Based in the Piedmont area of North Carolina at Central Carolina Community College, the EARTh Center is one of only nine “national centers” funded by the National Science Foundation Advanced Technology Education project. The EARTh Center serves as a national hub for supporting technical education and workforce training needs within the Environmental Technology sector across the United States.

 The scope of industries served by the EARTh Center is vast, and include those commonly associated with the “environment” like forestry, wildlife sciences, and natural resource management. But several other industries, such as environmental health & safety, water & wastewater management, energy efficiency, and renewable energy also fall under the environmental and natural resource umbrella.

The EARTh Suite of Services

Instructional Design

Curriculum Design, Job Task Analysis, Educational Tool Development, and more!

Extended Reality (XR)

Bring the real-world into the classroom through virtual reality simulations and augmented reality tools!


Learn how to apply for and manage NSF ATE funds from those who have paved the way!

Professional Development

Join the EARTh Center team virtually or in-person for educational and experiential opportunities!